Beach Restoration

Anna Maria Island beach restoration will take place about every 10 years.
Anna Maria Island beach restoration will take place about every 10 years at ten million dollars each time. WOW!
If you never seen it done it is definitely a sight to see.
A submerged pipe of up to five miles long will bring dredged sand from the barge to the beach and a bulldozer and front-end loader will spread the sand on the beach.
Workers are able to do about a city block in a week. The beach will expand from an eroded width of about 50 ft. to about a hundred fifty feet wide.
For the shell lovers this is a great time to fine sharks teeth and maybe even some old relics like musket balls - you never know!
The beach was last restored in spring of 2002. Restoration projects from Coquina Beach to Longboat Pass, plus a smaller project near the Sandbar restaurant on the north end of Anna Maria Island were completed in spring of 2011 .
The last major beach restoration project was complete January 2014, and restocked eroded beaches throughout Anna Maria Island.